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To Hear those Words

Writer's picture: Monica WaltonMonica Walton

Updated: Jan 22

“You are my beloved Daughter/Son; with you I am well pleased.” (Luke 3:15-22)

I want to hear those words from God, just as Jesus heard at his Baptism in the Jordan. Wouldn't you like to hear Him say this to you?

As Christians, we were baptized with the Holy Spirit, Fire, and Water.

We are proud of it. We feel Blessed by it. It's familiar and easy to say.

I was feeling pretty confidant in believing that I honor and treasure my Baptism, until...

my pastor posted a very challenging question two Sundays ago. He asked us to consider,

What difference does it make in my life that I am Baptized into Christ Jesus the Savior?

That was an invitation to dig deep inside myself and ask, Who am I at my core?

Since I was baptized as a baby, I don't remember it and I had no say in the matter. Most people I know were baptized young, and the decision was lovingly made for us by our parents and godparents.

Would you and I choose Baptism today if we had not been baptized as infants? I'd like to think so, but Baptism is a huge, life-altering decision that signals the beginning of a new way of life. We are called to leave behind behaviors that do not hold value in fulfilling our purpose. We are called to publicly declare that we will orient our whole selves toward living Christian values and sharing our Faith with others. It's new life in Christ. Is that how we are living?


The word Baptism means "immersion," and every time we dip our fingers into the Holy Water font as we enter the Church, we are reminding ourselves that our Baptism was the doorway into the Faith and Eternal Salvation with God the Father, Son, Holy Spirit. We have to continue on the path begun at Baptism.

Journey with me to the River Jordan for a new look at Baptism.

Picture yourself standing in the murky water of the Jordan. Through the help of other believers, you are ready to seek forgiveness for your sins and begin your new life in Christ. Family and friends are gathered at the shore watching and praying for you.
The priest begins with prayer and reads Sacred Scripture. The baptized believers who are present profess their Faith aloud. The priest anoints you with holy oil, and the sweet fragrance ignites your senses. You are set apart to begin the new life awaiting you. You feel covered by the oil and the prayers of all the Faithful who are gathered.
Suddenly, the heavens are opened and Jesus appears. He enters the river and stands next to you. Then Jesus scoops up some of the muddy water, and as He pours the water over your head, it becomes crystal clear. You feel your sins wash away as the now holy water pours down your face and neck and all the way to your feet. You begin to feel different. Next, the priest lights a candle, and it begins to glow in the purest white you have ever seen. You realize the flame from the candle is actually the light illuminating from Jesus Himself. You are excited, but somehow your body is very relaxed. You feel as though you are floating in the air. The most gentle breeze brings the breath of God and breathes new life into you. You know the Holy Spirit has come, giving you sanctifying grace and peace that can only come from the Lord. Your life will never be the same.


That is Baptism.

Thinking of my Baptism in this way inspires me to strive to live up to the grace given me and to honor the duties bestowed on me as a follower of Christ. I want to be more fully alive so that everyone I encounter feels the light and love of Christ.

Easier said than done.

It seems that instead of spending our days living in the joy of the Lord and sharing the Good News, we are mostly stressed and worried about schedules and things of the world. I don't know about you, but on top of all the struggles and decisions I face, I often catch myself trying to solve problems that haven't even come yet! In talking to my friends and family, I know I'm not the only one. Why do we do that?

Hebrews 11:1 states, "Faith is the realization of what is hoped for and evidence of things not seen."

None of us hopes for problems, worry, or stress. But do we give energy to hoping for the best outcome? That takes Faith and belief that the outcome will be good because God is good.

Saint Paul gave us these beautiful verses to create a new habit of hopeful thinking and Christian living:

Rejoice in the Lord always. I shall say it again: rejoice! Your kindness should be known to all. The Lord is near. Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Keep on doing what you have learned and received and heard and seen in me. Then the God of peace will be with you. ~Ph 4:4-9

Hear those words: Think about these things. The Lord is near. The God of peace will be with you. If we really think something horrible is going to befall us tomorrow, what good will come from worrying about it today? Wouldn't it make more sense to fill our day with joy before the sadness hits?

Shouldn't we strive to make each day the best day ever? And, when it's not been the best or even a half-way decent day, what good comes from fretting, regretting, and worrying about what's already been done?

This Sunday, we heard these words of advice from Mary, the Mother of Jesus, at the Wedding of Cana:

“Do whatever He tells you.” ~ John 2:5 

To really hear those words in our hearts will set us on the right foot in our Ordinary Time, the typical days between big events in our lives. Take life one day at a time. Arise each morning and ask the Lord what He wants you to focus on that day, then Do whatever He tells you. As you go through your day, ask Blessed Mary, Our Lady of Good Counsel, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, to pray for you and guide you to model her "Yes" to God's divine plan for your life. When I remember to do this, my day ALWAYS goes better than expected.

Be grateful for Daily Bread

I've written before about some of the best, life-changing guidance I received from my Spiritual Director. He said to trust that the Lord will give me what I need each and every day. We say the words every time we pray the Our Father, "Give us this day our daily bread." It is all we need and He will always provide for today. We get ourselves into trouble when we worry about tomorrow and try to solve the problems that haven't landed on us yet. Take life one day at a time.

Make a list

A good way to make it a habit is to keep a pad and pen next to your bed and each morning ask the Lord what He wants you to focus on that day. Hear His words and write it at the top of the page. Make an honest effort to do whatever He tells you. Then, make a list of your "daily bread" ~ the things He has already provided to you since opening your eyes: Life, Shelter, Food, Love, etc. It starts the day on a very positive note! As your day winds down, revisit your list of the day and add the additional blessings He poured upon your life that day. This sets us up for a restful night's sleep.

Keep perspective

Another wise tip for healthy living I learned recently has really been helping tame the worries that inevitably visit. Assign the worries to their proper time frame. When your mind heads down the worry & stress trail, write down what is bothering you. Then ask the Lord, Is this a worry for today or for another day? Hear his words, they free us of unnecessary worry over things that can wait to be solved later. The Lord will let you know when it's time for that one. And, the good news is that it may never come to fruition!

Do your part

We spent a great deal of time fretting about the future during the presidential election. Now that a new administration is in place, he has told us what he hopes to do for our nation. The world looks pretty broken now with wars and fires, worries and troubles, and storms and violence of all kinds. As Baptized Christians, the world belongs to us, and it is our job to use our gifts to fix it through the Love and Peace of Jesus Christ. Regardless of who is in leadership, we each have to do our part to bring healing to the world. What is your hope, and what are you going to do about it?

We have to hear the words of Jesus, believe what we hear, and trust that He is guiding us. Take it one day at a time and be grateful for the daily bread.

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