He's all grown up. We sit together having morning coffee -- two adults, mother and son.

He takes a sip and I note that his arm is longer and much stronger than mine. How did my tiny baby boy grow to be a full-grown man? Seems like just yesterday he was playing T-ball, building towers with Legos, and racing Hot Wheels on a plastic track. Now he is preparing to graduate from college and begin his professional career.

He's the youngest of four, forever the baby of the family. His older siblings have all moved away and established their adult lives, some with children of their own. It was difficult to watch each one of them go. It doesn't get any easier. (How did they all catch up and get to be as old as me?! 😅) It seems like only last year, we were all gathered around the children's picnic table doing arts & crafts together.
All of my children are good and faithful people who grew up and went out into the world to do their own thing. I had to let them go. It was good for them to go so that they could grow to their full potential and discover life on their own -- apart from me. I loved having them close, holding my hand, but now they are fulfilling the life God has planned for them. I am a tremendously grateful and proud Mama 💜💜💜💜
This week, I was struck by the Readings which have been preparing our hearts for the mystery of the Ascension of the Lord. This Solemnity will be celebrated on Mother's Day this year. The interesting timing is helping me grasp this phase of my life and accept the necessity that my children must leave home. Imagine how difficult it was for the disciples to grasp that the Lord was leaving them. But, it was necessary to fulfill God's plan.
Jesus said, "But I tell you the truth, it is better for you that I go. For if I do not go, the Advocate will not come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you." John 16:7
Jesus was born into the world and grew up in a loving family. He left home to gather disciples and train them for the mission. People witnessed His teachings and healings with their own eyes. I'm sure Jesus loved being close to His mother, holding her hand, and being in the company of His disciples. But, He had to fulfill the life God had planned. He was tortured, killed, and buried in a tomb. People witnessed the tragedy with their own eyes. Imagine how difficult it was to grasp this being for a good purpose.
Jesus rose from the dead and walked the earth once again. People encountered and witnessed the Resurrected Lord with their own eyes. Imagine how challenging it was to grasp this as reality and truth. But that wasn't the end of the story.
So then the Lord Jesus, after he spoke to them, was taken up into heaven and took his seat at the right hand of God. But they went forth and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and confirmed the word through accompanying signs. Mark 16:19-20

Jesus left this world to go to God the Father. His disciples witnessed the Ascension of the Lord with their own eyes. They had to grasp in their minds and hearts that Jesus was gone again, yet He remained through the Holy Spirit. He remains with us today, thanks be to God! This is certainly a great mystery of our Faith that is difficult to grasp. I believe we will not fully grasp the wonder of it all until it is our turn to witness the Glory of Heaven with our own eyes.
This week, my youngest child will begin his adult life on his own, apart from me. Being a mother gives me a glimpse at the mystery of this series of leaving, yet remaining. First, each baby remained in me throughout the pregnancy. Then, they left my body to breathe, learn, and walk the earth on their own. Next, they left me for long stretches of the day to learn from others and make friends at school, apart from me. One by one, they left my home to establish a home of their own, apart from me. Yet, they will all remain forever with me in a much deeper way. Our hearts are forever connected and we have the blessing of a mature parent/child relationship. Plus, we have great technology to see and hear and celebrate each other, helping us remain together.
I look across the table at my son. He's fully grown and excited about what is yet to come. It's a bittersweet parting and it's hard for me to grasp. Yes, I want you to go, and grow, and fulfill God's plan for your life. No, I don't want to hold you back. It's just that it's much more comfortable for me to see you and be with you in person. I do trust that you go with God. He formed you to live with me for a while, then He said it was better for you to go. If you don't go, the great things awaiting you will not come to you.
The various definitions of the verb grasp are very interesting:
a) seize and hold firmly; b) comprehend fully; c) try to seize hold of
I think all three definitions are applicable. We a) seize and hold firmly to our loved ones. When they leave us, we work to b) comprehend fully how to navigate life without them. If we don't have faith to trust that the Lord remains with us and is working with us (as stated in Mark's Gospel) then we wind up trying desperately to c) seize hold of what was, and we miss out on what remains. It requires quiet time with the Lord to truly grasp it all.
🌸 Happy Mother's Day to all Mamas 🌸
Happy Mother's Day to you! I instilled God's love in my children and grandchildren. I hope they remember God's love and make their way in this world of chaos.
Very nice reflection Monica. It sure adds a very personal experience, and provides a very hopeful insight into the Gospel and Jesus’ return to the Father.