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Without Words

Writer's picture: Monica WaltonMonica Walton

As we light the 4th candle on our Advent wreath for a brief few days, we arrive full circle to PEACE. First, we live in HOPE and LOVE. These bring us JOY as we await the birth of the Prince of Peace.

Do whatever is needed to step away into a few moments of silence before or after December 25th. Take some time without distraction or speaking words and ponder the sacredness and immensity of the holy night when Christ was born.

The beautiful hymn tells us that night was silent, calm, and bright. Shepherds quaked, Glories streamed, and heavenly hosts sang. Love's pure light emitted radiant beams from His holy face. It was the dawn of redeeming Grace.

Take some time to ponder how the world was changed by His birth and what it means to you, personally.

We have been following Chapter 1 of Luke's Gospel, unfolding the story of the priest Zechariah. The story begins like a pristine linen napkin, pressed and neatly folded. Open one corner of the napkin to see Zechariah and Elizabeth, a couple "righteous in the eyes of God, observing all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blamelessly." Unfold another corner to see the day Zechariah was chosen to enter the Sanctuary of the Lord. While he was praying, the angel Gabriel appeared before him to deliver good news. He and his wife would be blessed with a son, John, who would have joy and gladness and be filled with the Holy Spirit even from his mother's womb.

Opening another fold, we learn that Zechariah feared and doubted the message from God. His disbelief that God could bring about such a miracle caused him to be made speechless until those words were fulfilled after John's birth. Layer after layer displays Elizabeth's pregnancy, the Annunciation, and the Visitation.

In the months of waiting, Zechariah was unable to speak. Silence was his great teacher.

When Elizabeth gave birth to their son, Zechariah wrote on a tablet that the child would be named John as the angel had instructed. Immediately, his speech returned, and he spoke, blessing God. John grew and prepared the way for Jesus. Finally, the full story is laid open for all the world to see. It's a beautiful story of the fulfillment of God's plan.

Sitting at the feet of Silence, we learn to listen before passing judgment.

We learn to reflect and consult the Lord before providing input.

We learn to ponder things we don't fully understand.

We learn to await Wisdom before making a plan.

I've been reflecting on how it would feel to suddenly and unexpectedly be unable to utter a single word. I do not suffer a shortage of words. I thrive on great conversations and thoroughly enjoy digging into deep discussions with others. As I prayed and imagined myself struck mute like Zechariah, the Lord showed me how this could be a path to PEACE. What would the future hold if every speaking person had to take a shift of six months of silence with no talking whatsoever? What would happen if we could only respond by writing out on paper, in longhand, everything we wished to say?

How would you express your LOVE without words?

How would you bring comfort and HOPE to others?

How would you convey gratitude and share JOY?

How would you settle disputes and foster PEACE?

I can see how this could lead to PEACE in our world.

There would be fewer complaints and arguments, and more thought-filled responses and action.

God was born into the world to show us the way to live. He came in a quiet, gentle manner as a humble and vulnerable newborn baby to teach us His way of PEACE. In our moments of silent reflection, let us listen as the Lord tells us what we need to change so that we will be more like Him.

May Silence be our great teacher.

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Let there be PEACE on Earth. Let there be PEACE in our hearts, in our families, in our communities, in our nation, and in our world.

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Jan 02
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Such a beautiful reflection, weaving the story of Zechariah with our own faith journey.

Monica Walton
Monica Walton
Jan 04
Replying to

Thank you 🌟💛


Dec 25, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Beautiful reflection on the joy and meaning of Christmas …… the birth of the Savior in Silence ! May He be birth anew in each one of us ! Merry Christmas

Monica Walton
Monica Walton
Jan 04
Replying to

Amen and Thank you! My hope is that this has been a Merry Christmas for you and that you receive His abundant blessings in this New Year!


Dec 24, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Thank you for another inspiring email. The old saying that “Silence is golden” comes to mind. It truly is!

Monica Walton
Monica Walton
Jan 04
Replying to

Thank you! Love that it brought that beautiful saying to mind. Golden Silence, Amen💛🌟


Walter Jr.
Dec 24, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

This is so moving...Four Levels as in Lectio Divina: Read/Reflect/Respond/Rest, yet here you are inviting us to read from the book of our own life, individually then collectively...calling us from and into the Silence. Monica, thanks for the beautiful summation and please keep guiding us on this ongoing Adventure that is the Christ born and reborn within us. Blessings.

Monica Walton
Monica Walton
Dec 24, 2024
Replying to

Merry Christmas, brother! Thankful for your companionship on the journey. It is an awesome Adventure‼️ Love you 💜✝️❤️


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© beginning 2023 by: Monica Walton

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