Gaudete Sunday set the stage for our final days before Christmas. This week, I light the pink candle for JOY and let it join the light of HOPE and LOVE. It is so nice to pray before the lit candles to keep our senses alert, helping make the time feel more focused and sacred. We see the light of Christ, we feel the warmth of his love, and we draw closer to Him.
The Readings this week recall God's plan from the beginning of mankind to Mary of Nazareth being chosen as the Mother of Jesus. Her circumstances weren't a bed of roses. There was no red carpet laid out to make her path easy and clear. There was no team of caregivers to assist her during the pregnancy. There was no sterile room with a soft bed and a skilled medical team to help her labor and delivery.
Yet Mary said Yes and was filled with Grace because she trusted God and gave her heart to Jesus before she even saw His glorious face. Joseph said Yes, believing this was God's plan. The couple carried JOY in their hearts, even as they faced the scorn of doubters and unbelievers. Trusting God, Mary made the long journey to visit her cousin, Elizabeth. Their time together brought great JOY to them. Elizabeth welcomed Mary with complete love. The very presence of Mary, pregnant with Jesus, made Elizabeth's child, John, leap for JOY in her womb. When it came time to journey to Bethlehem at the end of her pregnancy, Mary and Joseph endured with Grace, trusting God would provide a place for the child's birth. Despite the circumstances, they held a spirit of true JOY.

We learn from Mary and Joseph how to be open to such Grace. When we follow their example, we can also navigate our journey gracefully. We can be courageous and loving in the face of hardship. We can draw close to Jesus before we see Him face to face. We can approach others with complete love, regardless of how they act. We can trust the path God has laid out for us, even when it is difficult to traverse.
When our circumstances are not a bed of roses, we can think of Mary and Joseph. Recall their response to God's call and all that they endured with Grace to help bring Jesus into our world to save us. They both said Yes to God. They accepted whatever they had to do to fulfill His plan even though they didn't have a clear view of the path. They did their part to let the world know that Emmanuel ~ Jesus ~ is God with us.
Can we respond in the same way to whatever our life brings? Can we say Yes to God, be filled with Grace, and accept a new understanding of true JOY? Can we trust that God is with us during the troubles, hardships, sadness, and all that threatens to make us bitter, sad, angry, and doubtful?
On this coming last Sunday of Advent, we will light the fourth candle on our Advent wreath. I will light mine for PEACE in our hearts, homes, neighborhoods, and our world. As a community of believers, we will respond in our worship:
"Lord, make us turn to You; let us see Your face, and we shall be saved." (Psalm 80)
Jesus is the Prince of Peace.
He gifted us HOPE, LOVE, and JOY that we may live in His PEACE.
God is with us! Turn to Him and be saved!
I was discussing JOY with my Spiritual Director this week and shared that for at least two years, I have been praying daily for the Grace of living in a spirit of true JOY. But, sometimes, I still allow things and people to get in the way of my JOY. Here is the beautiful advice I received.
Think of it as planting a garden filled with beautiful flowers. The flowers bring great JOY, but then the weeds pop up and threaten to take away the JOY. So, we pull the weeds and feel better. But the weeds keep coming back, over and over again. Be aware, the weeds will always return. We must focus on the flowers and the JOY they bring. Keep praying for JOY, and remember that the Lord may delay, but He is never late!
What a beautiful reflection! I am not a gardener, but I can see life as a garden. As followers of Jesus, we must plant flowers of JOY where we find weeds.
Here are some starter seeds. Pull the weeds. Plant the JOY.

Good to hear Monica. Especially this time of year.
Thank you for another great post. It hit me right between the eyes. I really needed to hear this. It has lifted me up. Love and blessings during this Joyous Season!