Some days are slow and casual, and we feel relaxed as time flows along.
Some days are smooth and productive, and we feel accomplished at the end of the day.
Other days are hurried and scattered, and we feel like our list of tasks only grows longer.
Other days are ragged and distracted, and the hours feel like a total wash.
So we ask, Why even try? What is the purpose?
Some days are joyful, and filled with loved ones and lovely moments.
Some days are kind, and filled with forgiveness and gentleness.
Other days are sorrowful, and filled with isolation and regret.
Other days are cruel, and filled with hurt and shame.
So we ask, Why even try? What is my purpose?
Perhaps we thought we knew the answer at one time.
Perhaps the course has been interrupted and we aren't sure which way to go.
Perhaps circumstances have invaded the journey and we feel stuck.
Perhaps we don't see the fruits of our labor and question giving so much.
Perhaps things didn't go as planned and it feels like failure.
Perhaps we lost sight of the goal and seem to be just spinning our wheels.
This week, we sit between celebrating the Ascension of the Lord and celebrating Pentecost when He gifted the Holy Spirit to the world.
Follow the journey of the Disciples and you will see that they also felt
isolation 🔹 regret 🔹 hurt 🔹 shame
They thought they knew the plan and purpose of their mission with Jesus until they
🔹 were interrupted 🔹
🔹 felt stuck 🔹
🔹 couldn't see the fruit 🔹
🔹 felt like failures 🔹
🔹 lost sight of the goal 🔹
🔹 were spinning their wheels 🔹
We each have a Big Purpose.
Our Creator God loved us into being.
He made each of us unique, and formed us in His image.
It can be easy to lose sight of this Truth. So, let's take a moment to refocus.
Focus on the Infant Jesus, lying in a manger, surrounded by the love of Mary, Joseph, the Wise Men, the Shepherds, the Holy Angels, the Bright Starlight.
Focus on the Child Jesus, growing in love with the Father.
Focus on the Man Jesus, leading the people to a new way of light and peace.
Focus on the Resurrected Jesus, returning in Glory to remove doubt and despair.
Focus on the Ascended Jesus, gifting the Holy Spirit to lead, guide, and inspire.
Jesus had THE BIG PURPOSE, to give His life that we may receive Eternal Salvation.
He showed us the way to live and love and serve. That is our Big Purpose.
As a wife and mother of four, I can remember thinking that all I did was clean the same dishes, the same laundry, the same floors; pick up the same toys, drive to the same activities -- feeling more like an underappreciated puppet than a woman with a Big Purpose.
As an employee, I can remember thinking I would never complete the stack of work piled on my desk, never finish all the mundane tasks on my list, never have time for fulfilling the items in my dream planner -- feeling more like an underappreciated piece of machinery than a creative soul with a Big Purpose.
As a volunteer, I can remember thinking I was wasting my time because often I didn't get to see the results of my efforts, time, money, kindness -- feeling more like an underappreciated servant than a Christian with a Big Purpose.
❤️ But, when I remember that my heart beats because God is forever creating me anew....
❤️ When I pause and appreciate that I am in the presence of God with every breath I take....
❤️ When I love myself because He loves me, and love others because He loves them....
❤️ When I trust in the Holy Spirit to lead and guide and inspire me...
❤️ When I set aside my plans, my preoccupations, my desire for reward, my doubts....
❤️ When I remember that I live and work for God's Kingdom, God's Glory, not my own....
💜 Then, I can lean into each little purpose throughout the day....
💜 When I clean the dishes, the laundry, the floors, pick up the toys, drive to the same places....
💜 When I work on the next item in the stack, check off the next task on my list....
💜 When I make my best effort, spend the time, give generously, and do it all with kindness....
Then, I know I have a Big Purpose, and I live and love and serve more like Jesus.

At the Last Supper, Jesus prayed to the Father saying,
"I glorified You on earth by accomplishing the work that You gave me to do."
Jesus also prayed for us that we might have such a relationship with the Father.
He said,
"I pray for them. I do not pray for the world but for the ones You have given me, because they are Yours, and everything of mine is Yours and everything of Yours is mine, and I have been glorified in them." ~John 17:1-11
We, too, glorify the Father by accomplishing the work that He gave us to do!
And thanks be to God, we do not have to do it on our own!
Very nice reflection ……… a great connection between Jesus’ mission in the world and Pentecost and remembering our men and women who have served us so well on Memorial Day ! A Big Picture view !
So very uplifting!
Jesus didn't give in, He didn't give up, He kept living, caring, loving, doing. So I'm not going to give up or give in. Christ gave me a purpose, and things to do.
Big Purpose, Big Picture, Big Love: "When I remember that I live and work for God's Kingdom, God's Glory, not my own...."