I've been thinking about the Parable of the Talents from last Sunday's Gospel where three servants were each given a share of the master's treasure. Two of them were faithful and multiplied the talents, and one was fearful and buried the talent. (MT 24:14-30)
How would I respond to such a great responsibility?
As I have been praying on this, I began to see the Talents as Love and Gratitude, rather than money. How can I be most responsible with my share of these gifts from God?
~ Receive, Appreciate, Share ~
When we have completed our earthly journey and we meet God, we want to hear Him say, "Well done, my good and faithful servant. Come, share your master's joy." (like the first and second servants)
We have all received gifts from God. They look different in each of us. Mine are not the same as yours, and yours are not the same as mine. Sometimes it's easier to see others' talents and long for those instead of seeing the beauty and value of our own.
We need to RECEIVE our own gifts and see them as good. We need to APPRECIATE our gifts and use them for good. We need to be faithful and SHARE our gifts for the good of all. We aren't meant to hold them tightly or bury them to keep them hidden. (like the third servant)

On paper, it seems simple. God gave me 5 talents (or 2, or 1) -- it matters not how many. It is a gift from God! Were it wrapped in angel wings and tied with solid gold ribbon, we would be so grateful to have received at least one. I think we would joyfully receive it, thank God for giving us a portion of His treasure, and we would want to share this great gift with everyone we meet!
The Gospel of Luke has a similar story, The Parable of the Ten Gold Coins. (Lk 19:11-28) It follows the same basic storyline of being entrusted with treasure and making good use to of it to produce more. This passage gives a beautiful summation for viewing the coins and talents as Love and Gratitude:
"I tell you, to everyone who has, more will be given, but from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away." (Luke 19:26)
When we show our love and express our gratitude, we feel more loved and thankful. When we not generous with our love and gratitude to others, those feelings shrivel up inside and harden our hearts. We all want to be loved and appreciated, but as with so many things in life, these only grow when we give them to others. If you've never experienced this, visit a nursing home or a homebound neighbor who feels lonely and forgotten. At first, the mission is to make them feel loved and appreciated. You may feel a little fear and worry about going (like the servants who hid their share of the treasure). But, when you invest your gifts and share them with these people, I promise you will leave feeling very loved and appreciated. My friend and I always leave feeling that we have spent time in the presence of God, Himself. True gift. True treasure.
Let's celebrate this Thanksgiving week by investing our talents of Love and Gratitude. ~Always tell family and friends that you love them.
~Always thank people for both the routine and the extra things they do to make life better.
~Always return to God and give thanks for the blessings He has gifted you.
May we keep these words in our minds and on our lips:
I will give thanks to You, O Lord, with all of my heart.
Thank you all for reading my blog and praying with me.
I am so thankful for YOU!!!
Thank you everyone who bought my book and will join me on this Advent journey. Individuals, Family Groups, Friend Groups, Church Small Groups
Special thanks to these Churches who purchased bulk copies for their congregations! 💜

St. Paul Catholic Church, Flowood MS
St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, Madison MS
Holy Family Catholic Church, Jackson MS
Holy Ghost Catholic Church, Jackson MS
St. Michael Catholic Church, Vicksburg MS
St. Fabian Catholic Church, Hattiesburg MS
Our Lady of the Gulf Catholic Church, Bay St. Louis MS
St. Justin Church, Star City AR
St. Peter Church, Pine Bluff AR St. Raphael Church, Pine Bluff AR
Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, Lafayette LA
Our Lady Star of the Sea, New Orleans LA Divine Word Theologate, Chicago IL
Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Greenville MS St. Mary Catholic Church, Vicksburg MS
It is so difficult to get other parishioners to share their special gifts. The Church needs all the help that they can get. I thank God for my blessings. Giving God all the Glory!
Great reflection ….. very nice understanding of the gifts ……. Love and Gratitude summarize it all ! The 2 great commandments …… sharing them is the only way to increase their measure !