I'm the kind of traveler who gets everything organized, compartmentalized, and neatly packed in my suitcase. Then just before I head out the door, I inevitably run upstairs to get just one more shirt in case my destination and activities are hotter or colder or dressier or more casual than I anticipated. While my suitcase is still parked upright by the door, I unzip it just enough to stuff that one more shirt inside. I always have to laugh when I arrive and open my suitcase to find that scrunched up and wrinkly "just one more" shirt wedged in the corner.... Go ahead. You can laugh, too!
I guess I'm a JUST ONE MORE kind of person.
I usually want JUST ONE MORE...
...hug ...smile ...kiss ...prayer ...laugh ...dance ...chat ...cookie ...glass of wine
Do you find yourself wanting JUST ONE MORE...
...refill? ...bite? ...minute? ...snooze? ...day off? ...green light? ...bonus check?
My mother died when she was only 55 years old. I was 18.
I made a promise to myself as I watched her suffer through her illness that I would always try to be intentional in my living. My goal was to not put off to "someday" anything my heart wanted to do. I decided then that when an opportunity came up that I was excited but unsure about, I'd ask myself -- would I go for it if I knew for certain I had JUST ONE MORE year to live?
✝️ Throughout this Easter Season, the Readings allow us to witness Jesus teaching His disciples the truth of who He is and how to live in His love.
Jesus said, "Love one another as I have loved you."
Such a simple little sentence.
He calls me friend. He chose me. He loves me.
He commands me to choose to love the same as Him.
Yet, how can I possibly love like Jesus? HE IS LOVE!
How much more do I need to love others so that it is as He has loved me?
I think the answer will always be JUST MORE.
So, yeah..........I say go for JUST ONE MORE...
...one more hug
...one more chat
...one more smile
...one more I love you
...one more wave goodbye
...one more kiss goodnight
...one more trip to the beach
...one more walk on the trail
...one more lunch with a friend
...one more drive with Grandpa
...one more dinner at Grandma's
...one more funny story to share
...one more peek at the baby sleeping
...one more cup of coffee with Mama
...one more ice cold beer with Daddy
...one more prayer for the sick & needy
...one more minute relaxing on the porch
...one more dance before we call it a night
...one more early morning to witness the sunrise
...one more road trip to spend time with family & friends
...one more day to share the love of The One who first loved us

Lovely message and how true the invitation !!
Love the direct vibe of this inviting and inspiring vision. How many guitars are enough?...Just One More!
That’s so beautiful. We certainly can all relate to that . It’s so very true , we always need just one more of anything . We have to embrace all we have because tomorrow certainly is not guaranteed .
Every success in your future writing . You are doing amazing ❤️
Love this. It’s something I can definitely relate to.
We only get one walk through life and we should appreciate every “ just one more” because it could be your last. 😘