Sit with me and ponder . . . .

Last week, we celebrated All Saints and All Souls.
Every human being has a soul, and we are all called to be saints. So, we each have in our soul what it takes to be a saint.
Take a minute to Pause and Ponder: There is a Saint in every Soul -- yours, mine, theirs -- everybody's !!!
Some are easy to see shining through, others are more difficult to uncover.
We tend to associate the title "saint" with martyrs and devout people who are obviously following God's plan ~ like Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta. We tend to NOT be able to see the saint in the souls of people who have strayed very far from the way of the Lord ~ like rapists, murderers, and terrorists.
My parents and several people I truly love are no longer living in this world. When our loved ones are gone, we focus on their goodness. A very kind and joyful man passed into Eternal Life recently. Ron had been bedridden for quite some time. I went to visit him for the first time since he had been placed in hospice care. The frail body lying in that hospital bed didn't resemble the man I knew from church -- until he opened his eyes. Ron had the most beautiful, crystal-blue eyes and they still sparkled despite his current condition. It's easy to see the saint in the soul of someone like this.
God brings new life to continue the presence of His love and goodness on earth. Last week, as I held my precious new grandson in the quiet morning hours, I could feel the miracle in my arms. Our "adopted grandmother" GaGa once said that a newborn baby's tiny hands stay clinched because they are holding onto the gifts of Heaven, waiting to release them to the world. I love this image as I look at this sweet baby boy. I see his pure, saintly soul. He was created to do great things for our world. At some point, he will begin to open his hands to new things - as we all do - and he will eventually have within his reach the things of this world that aren't necessarily the tools he was meant to use. I pray he will always grasp for the things of God more than those.
We all have the same mission as the saints, to be the unique one God created each of us to be. The saints are like us. We can be more like them. It's not so much about what we do. It's about who we are. We are all in training.
The Gospel passage for All Saints Day recounts the Beatitudes, a list of saintly qualities ~
the poor in spirit
those who mourn
the meek
those who hunger and thirst for righteousness
the merciful
the clean of heart
the peacemakers
those who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness
those who are insulted and mistreated because of their faith in Jesus
Can we look at ourselves & others and see the saint in the soul?
Pope Francis says, "We are all called to be saints. But, we must remember that holiness is a gift from God - not something we can achieve on our own. Rather, everyone is called to holiness in their own state of life. Indeed, it is by living with love and offering Christian witness in our daily tasks that we are called to become saints… Always and everywhere you can become a saint, that is, by being receptive to the grace that is working in us and leads us to holiness."
I've always loved the following quote by St. Francis de Sales, and had it posted in my children's bedrooms:
God has created each one of us in His image and likeness, yet each one of us is unique. He has a plan for each of us.
Hopefully, we strive to do and be our best while remaining faithful, humble, and forgiving. But, often we get in the way and do the things we like to do, rather than the things we were designed to do. I thought it would be an interesting exercise to give thought to what others might name as our cause for sainthood. It reads a bit like an Examination of Conscience.
FAITHFUL [Matthew 25:23; Proverbs 3:5-7]
Saints are faithful to seeking God's will in their lives. They do not strive for accolades and places of honor.
Have I been faithful in following God's plan?
Do I strive to do and be my best? For what reward? Am I honoring my soul by the choices I make? Do I strive to live a devout life as the saints who have gone before me?
HUMBLE [Luke 14:1-11; Matthew 23:1-12]
Saints are humble and probably never think of themselves as saintly. Their concern is not what others think of them, but what God thinks of them.
Do I give more energy to how others see me, rather than how God sees me?
Have I done good works hoping to get recognition and reward?
When have I wished to be invited to a seat of honor?
Do I spend my prayer time performing tasks out of habit and/or obligation?
FORGIVING [Colossians 3:12-15; Ephesians 4:32]
Saints see the good in others and they are able to extend God's love and mercy to all, even to the ones who cause them pain. They pray for their persecutors and seek their soul, rather than seeking revenge because of their behavior.
Could we forgive the friend who shows more favor to others than us?
Could we forgive the coworker who spreads false rumors and gossip?
Could we forgive the consultant who loses our life savings with a bad investment?
Could we forgive the person who is abusive to someone we love?
Could we forgive the drunk driver who kills someone we love?
When we forgive others and seek forgiveness from others, it makes us better people and it spreads peace. When we humble ourselves before the Lord and seek His guidance in dealing with the hard situations in life, we will be forgiving. We will be living according to His plan.
Saint Paul's Letter to the Romans names some ways to be our best~
let love be sincere hold on to what is good love one another show honor to one another be fervent in spirit serve the Lord rejoice in hope endure in affliction persevere in prayer exercise hospitality bless those who persecute you rejoice with those who rejoice weep with those who weep have the same regard for one another associate with the lowly
"Beloved: See what love the Father has bestowed on us that we may be called the children of God. Yet so we are. " 1Jn3:1

A very valuable reflection in these days of great turmoil throughout our world. Especially valuable as so much of the action in our world today appears to be focused on Revenge rather than Reconciliation. A great challenge to turn back to the Gospel and the teachings of our Master and Savior.
Much to ponder…yet again
thank you for the ponderings; it gives much needed opportunity to get real with myself & with the Lord ♥️
Amen! So beautiful and true! Thanks for sharing Monica.